
Life as a human being is short relative to the lifespan of a mountain or the ozone layer.  The stresses that we feel are a derivative of today’s perceived personal responsibilities as dictated by human society and controlled through institutionalized fear.

The most precious ‘commodity’ that we possess is life.  Without this invaluable possession, things would be very dark indeed.  Life does have a volume dial though.  The basic reason for our existence, is the rapid pursuit of wisdom in the investment quantification required to experience all that there is.  Where is the limit of our insatiable thirst for more?

Why is ‘family’ such a value?  I can easily understand the bond between parents and their children.  However the maintenance of gratitude towards people outside of this circle is fabricated.  Even the relationship between siblings can only be strong if there is a reason for it.  Not just because.  Amongst many other things, I would say the family is considered a support network.  If assistance is needed, then these are your immediate assistors.

Truth is a contradiction of its own meaning.  Every individual does not possess their own “version of the truth”, but their own truth, period.  What may seem like the truth, is in actual fact a median version of the combined truths of a critical majority.  Even then though, details are always skewed.

At the precipice of nuclear war may be a constant state we will always find ourselves.  “Ordinary Love”, the song by U2, creates the context:
“We can’t fall any further, we can’t reach any higher, if we can’t deal with ordinary love.”
Quaint.  Love is not restricted to the mutual connection between two souls, but between all things.  It’s the glue that binds everything together.  Without it, there would be simply nothing left.  The song places this perspective into context.  Nothing matters without love.  Humans have just about had their time.  Everything has happened so quickly and it has never been more apparent that we don’t belong here.  We threaten to destroy each other, but fail to realize that the very fabric of this world will be rent.  This beautiful, amazing Planet-God that has accommodated us and forgiven us our constantly repeating and unrepentant sins.

The “pushing” and “prodding” of our loved ones (or anybody for that matter), will not influence what the outcome of their life will be – in fact it can be counter-productive.  By allowing them the freedoms of exploration, discovery and curiosity uninhibited, the self-realization of who they are will come much sooner.  All “pushing” and “prodding” will ever do is satisfy the requirements of society, that emphasize artificial importance on conformity and identity within a majority group.

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